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Pipe is basically used to pass information between the programs. It is uniDirectional in nature. for two way communication we can setup two pipes both for each direction

int fd[2]; here fd[0] is for the read end and fd[1] is for the write end

// C program to illustrate// pipe system call in C#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>#define MSGSIZE 16char* msg1 = "hello, world #1";char* msg2 = "hello, world #2";char* msg3 = "hello, world #3";  int main(){    char inbuf[MSGSIZE];    int p[2], i;      if (pipe(p) < 0)        exit(1);      /* continued */    /* write pipe */      write(p[1], msg1, MSGSIZE);    write(p[1], msg2, MSGSIZE);    write(p[1], msg3, MSGSIZE);      for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {        /* read pipe */        read(p[0], inbuf, MSGSIZE);        printf("% s\n", inbuf);    }    return 0;}
int main(){    pid_t pid;    char arr[100],str[100];    int fd[2],nbr,nbw;
    pipe(fd); //Creating a pipe    pid=fork(); //Calling fork to create a child process            if(pid==0)    {        printf("\nEnter a string: ");        gets(str);        nbw=write(fd[1],str,strlen(str));        printf("Child wrote %d bytes\n",nbw);        exit(0);    }    else    {        nbr=read(fd[0],arr,sizeof(arr));        arr[nbr]='\0';        printf("Parent read %d bytes: %s\n",nbr,arr);    }
    return 0;}