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Fist in first out take a arrray in and output the whole array :)

Important Terms

  • Arrival time: time at which process arrives in a queue.
  • Avg waiting is the time till when a call remains in the queue utill it is executed. also known as avg decay.
  • Completion Time: When a process starts executing
  • Turn around Time: difference b/w completion time and arrival time.
  • Waiting Time: difference b/w turn around time and arrival time.
# include <stdio.h>
int main(){    int process[10];    int processTime[10];    char processName[10][5];    int turnAroundTime = 0;    int avgTime = 0;    int Time = 0;    int number ;    printf("Enter the number of process: \n");    scanf("%d",&number);    for(int i=0;i<number;i++){    printf("Enter the name of %d process:\n",i+1);    scanf("%s",&processName[i]);    printf("Enter the process time:\n");    scanf("%d",&processTime[i]);    }        // to print the process    printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");    for(int i=0;i<number;i++){        printf("\t %s ",processName[i]);    }    printf("\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");     for(int i=0;i<number;i++){        printf("\t %d ",processTime[i]);    }    printf("\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");         for(int i=0;i<number;i++){       Time += processTime[i];       turnAroundTime += Time;       int temp = processTime[i]-Time;       if(temp<0){           temp = temp * -1;       }       avgTime += temp;       printf("\t %d",Time);    }    printf("\n TurnAroundTime:%d\n",turnAroundTime/number);    printf("\n AvgTime: %d\n",avgTime/number);        return 0;}